Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I don't think she can hear me!!!???

This is what Ryan must think because when he starts crying it just keeps getting louder. Most of the time, he starts out as a shriek and just keeps getting louder. I know he thinks that I can't hear him from the look on his face when it is not all scrunched up from crying. Even when he knows that I know what he wants he still screams.

Abby is another one that can let out a big scream. Today at Chuck E. Cheese's, another girl was trying to play the basketball game with her and Abby screamed at that girl for at least 30 seconds. Just one long continuous scream. I would have fussed at Abby for it but this little girl had already pushed Abby's buttons. Abby was trying to get on the tractor ride and Abby was just about to sit down when this little girl climbed on it and sort of pushed Abby off. Oh, I almost forgot, the most important part of Abby's day. She got to hug Chuck E. Cheese. Not only did she get to hug him. She was the first one to hug him. There was a bunch of other kids around and Chuck E. squeezed by these other kids and came to give Abby a hug. Pretty cool, huh!!! I thought so, but I always think pretty highly of my children. Don't all mothers?????

Anyway, Screamy the Reamy just woke up and he doesn't think that I can hear him!!! Gotta go be a MOM!!!
Love Ya,