Friday, October 19, 2007

9 Years

This is not the sort of thing that I write about often but it is on my mind today and I just had to write a post about it. 9 years ago today, my father passed away. Although it has gotten easier to deal with there are still some things that you just can't help but think about. I'm so sad that I didn't get a chance (forgot) to visit his grave while we were in Louisiana over the weekend. We were so wrapped up with trying to visit everyone and have a party for Abby that we could that it just got pushed to the back burner.

There are things in your life that happen and you think, that just can't be a coincidence. Like for instance, Abby was born on the last day of October. When she was born, all I could think about was that Daddy wanted us to have something to look forward to in the month of October, not just to remember his death.

Well, I have more to write about but I here my peeps. Guess I gotta go be a mom!!!