Today was a good day!!! We left this morning to do a little shopping and to meet Abby's playschool teacher. We went to ToysRus (my favorite store) and I finally (i know it is only August) finished buying Christmas and Birthday presents for my children and my nephew. All I have left is my niece and the adults. Yay, me!!!! Anyway, Abby didn't pee in her panties. Everybody listened to me and nobody disobeyed me. Yay, me, again!!!!
Abby met her playschool teacher today and had a great time (only twenty minutes). She almost didn't want to leave. I think that she thought she was going to school today, but she doesn't start until Tuesday. I think that I'm ready for her to spend a little time away from me. This will do both of us some good. Hopefully she will regain her respect for me and I will hopefully not get frustrated so easily with her.
After meeting her teacher, the only way that I could get her to leave with me was to take her to her all time favorite restaurant, Johnny Rockets. We ate, had milkshakes and left. Nobody got hurt or made Mommy crazy. Ryan actually ate real food today. Crazy momma forgot to bring a jar of baby food for him. This turned out not to be a bad thing. Yay, me #3!!! He loved the chicken strips and fries that me and Abby were sharing. When we got home, everyone napped great (except for Ryan, who 30 minutes after I put him down started crying because of the thunderstorm that was crashing outside his window). He is forgiven though, I was even scared cause the thunder was that loud.
Now, everyone is up and running so I gotta go be a mom!!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Great Day!!!
Posted by Candice at 4:31 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
One accident in the closet!!!
Yes, of course, we had an accident today. No, not again, you already peed 3 times in an hour (in the potty). Except this time, it was in her closet. No, we don't have big closets. They are just the right size for clothes. Except when you remove all her toys from the floor of the closet, then she thinks it is ok to go in there and shine her flashlight. Which I have no problem with, right!!! Except when she comes out of the closet saying that she peed. I was laughing too much inside to fuss her this time for peeing in her panties.
Posted by Candice at 2:24 PM 3 comments
Friday, August 24, 2007
Well as most of you know, we are getting a new shower. Well, since last Wednesday, there has been a hole in my wall (literally), where the shower used to be. I had noticed that my cat was snooping around to see what that was all about. Well, apparently she thought it was a nice, new, cozy, hiding spot. When "tile guy" showed up yesterday, I didn't even see the cat run. (Of course, she is a scaredy cat. She runs from most strangers that come to our house.) Well, they took a break for lunch and left. Well, I am running through the house pulling apart every hiding place that she could possibly know of. And wouldn't you know... I go in the bathroom and I'm very quiet... Then I hear it..... very low, very softly... meow. The damn cat is underneath the bathtub and "tile guy" already covered the wall with backerboard. So, needless to say, when they came home from lunch I made them take the backerboard off so that I could get my freaky cat. This turned out not to be an easy task, as now with all hammering and loud noises, she is really freaked and doesn't want to come out. Of course, she is in a spot that I can't just reach and grab her. the only thing that I can think of is to poke her, but what could be long enough to reach behind my tub. Oh, yeah the tape measure that she is afraid of!!!! I grab the tape measure and proceed to poke her with it and soon I see a streak of gray flash past me. I ask if that was her and then proceed to apologize profusely to "tile guy".
Before I go, I must tell you about the other freaky thing that happened to my cat. One day, I had a Wal-Mart bag just lying on the floor. Of course, cats are curious but mine is also cautious. She slowly sneaks up to the bag and pokes her head inside. Me, being the mean cat momma that I am, I grab the other end of the bag. This really freaks her out and she turns around in the bag to run out of it. Well, she gets the handle stuck around her neck. Even more freaked out, she is running at full speed around my house, like a mad cat, with this plastic bag around her neck. The faster she runs, the more noise the bag makes and freaks her out even more. Eventually, she goes under our bed to hide (her other safest hiding spot, beside under the tub) and the bag falls off. I guarantee that if I could have gotten this on video, we would have won all the money. Yay!!!
Anyway, there is my freaky cat story for the day. Hope you enjoy!!
Posted by Candice at 6:51 AM 4 comments
Labels: Cat
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
When he looks at me
When he looks at me, he makes everything in my life except him disappear. Of course, this is our special time. Just me and Ryan. Abby is supposed to be taking her nap, but she probably isn't. I know that I really need to cherish those special looks because soon he will be a toddler and as I know all to well will not look at me and just smile. It is such a satisfying gesture because I didn't do anything silly, he is just smiling and thanking me for being his mother and holding him. Such a happy baby. Usually, those special glances are reserved only for sista, but sometimes just sometimes Mommy gets them too. Yay, Mommy. As I'm writing this he thinks that I'm playing peek-a-boo with him. When I look at the monitor and then look back at him, he laughs hysterically.
This is what the big boy decided to do yesterday.I guess that he wanted whatever was at the bottom of the box.
Well, gotta go be a mom.
Lata gata!!
Posted by Candice at 5:19 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sesame Street
Has anybody noticed the new format on Sesame Street? I love it. I will even sit down and watch it with Abby. It looks like they are gearing it more toward learning the basics of reading. I am trying to teach her the basics of reading right now, which is pretty cool. We usually watch Between the Lions to get our reading fix for the day. Now, we can watch both.
Last night, we read the book, "A Great Day For Up." She now knows how to read the word up. They only had the word "up" written about three or four times on each page. I think that this is really great being that she isn't even three yet. Anyway, who doesn't think that their child is the smartest, fastest, and prettiest?
Posted by Candice at 8:10 PM 1 comments
I've been waiting all day
For the tile guy, that is. It is now 8 pm and no has shown up today. I thought you told me that he would be here first thing in the morning. I even called back to find out what first thing in the morning meant. At 11 am, I called to find out where the tile guy was and have received no response.
How frustrating is this? Since Wednesday, we have no shower, which means there is a hole in the wall of our bathroom. I guess more showers in the kids bathroom.
Anyway, enough of that. I have a tribute to mommadrool and her mafia. Yesterday, we were all upset because we didn't want to sit on the potty. So, we made up a special tune. It goes to the beat of Hamma Time.
Put cha hands in the air
like ya just don't care cause it's
"Potty time"
Potty time is interchangeable with : "Not Cryin Time" (for Ryan)
"Suppa Time"
"Diapa Time" (also for Ryan)
Posted by Candice at 7:58 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wet hair, chewing on books, and Train Rides (Oh and the childrens' museum)
No, none of these topics have anything to do with each other. This is just what is on my mind right now. Every time that Abby takes a nap, she wakes up with soaking wet hair. Now you might say that it is because it is 100+ degrees outside, but no. This will happen even in the dead of winter. She just sweats this much when she sleeps. She has done it since she was a baby. It is my cue to put my children to sleep. Even Ryan will get a hot head when he is sleepy. He even started sweating when he sleeps too.
We went to the Children's Museum in Tuscaloosa today. Abby had a great time. She even shared and played with other children. No ldeuce1103 it wasn't like Night at the Museum, much to my disappointment. I was really looking forward to the dinosaur fetching the bone and meeting King Tut. But we had a good time anyway.
As for chewing on books... I never knew that they tasted so good. Apparently Ryan thinks so because every time we go upstairs (where my bookshelf is), he literally chews on them. And of course he likes the paperback ones, cause I find bits and pieces of paper in his mouth or on his chin.
And finally Train Rides... I was thinking of taking a train ride home to visit my family. I thought that this would be a great idea and we would have lots of fun. Well, I checked out the Amtrak website and when I saw the price, I said "Wow, that's cheap!!" I would only have to pay for me and Abby and the total price round trip was $162. You can't even drive there under $200, with gas prices so high and lunch and all. Anyway, sounds great, right!! Yeah, well this is where I tell you that I could walk there faster than I would arrive by train. The train would leave here at noon and get to New Orleans at 7:30 pm. A total of 7 hours and 20 minutes. (And I'm still not home.) Oh, I didn't mention that I would have to stay overnight in New Orleans because the train from New Orleans to home wouldn't leave until noon the next day. Isn't that crazy??? I would love to do the train ride thing but with two kids and all alone, I don't need to stay in New Orleans. It never really was that safe to begin with. We just always went there to drink and eat and shop (or browse).
There is your daily update and it was brought to you today by the letter D and the number 5. Can anyone tell me how to get to Sesame Street??
K, Gotta go be a mom!! Love Ya,
Posted by Candice at 5:05 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Abby and Ryan
Today, Abby and Ryan were really good. Abby never screamed that she didn't want to potty and was generally good at the playgroup that we went to. Nobody else thought so but that was good for a 3 year old. She doesn't understand the concept of sharing, but at least she didn't hit one of the kids on the head, or bite them. (Oh, by the way, no accidents today. Yesterday, I told her that if she had anymore accidents that she couldn't go to school or dance. And apparently that worked.)
Ryan was a little cranky today. He didn't finish his morning or his lunchtime bottle. I think that he has more teeth coming in so when it came time for a nap, all he could do was scream. Other than that, I had a good day but I still feel shitty.
Posted by Candice at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: behavior
I'm that Mom...
You know the one. Everybody talks about her behind their back and no one really likes her. She can't get her kids to behave and no one really wants to be around her. For all you moms that I have hurt, I'm really sorry. All I really wanted was to be friends with you, but apparently that won't happen.
Posted by Candice at 3:57 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I don't think she can hear me!!!???
This is what Ryan must think because when he starts crying it just keeps getting louder. Most of the time, he starts out as a shriek and just keeps getting louder. I know he thinks that I can't hear him from the look on his face when it is not all scrunched up from crying. Even when he knows that I know what he wants he still screams.
Abby is another one that can let out a big scream. Today at Chuck E. Cheese's, another girl was trying to play the basketball game with her and Abby screamed at that girl for at least 30 seconds. Just one long continuous scream. I would have fussed at Abby for it but this little girl had already pushed Abby's buttons. Abby was trying to get on the tractor ride and Abby was just about to sit down when this little girl climbed on it and sort of pushed Abby off. Oh, I almost forgot, the most important part of Abby's day. She got to hug Chuck E. Cheese. Not only did she get to hug him. She was the first one to hug him. There was a bunch of other kids around and Chuck E. squeezed by these other kids and came to give Abby a hug. Pretty cool, huh!!! I thought so, but I always think pretty highly of my children. Don't all mothers?????
Anyway, Screamy the Reamy just woke up and he doesn't think that I can hear him!!! Gotta go be a MOM!!!
Love Ya,
Posted by Candice at 5:11 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Abby-isms...... Oh and again with the pee stories
My daughter has the best memory of any one that I know. She will tell you a story about something that happened so long ago that you don't even remember it. Well, for me it could be about something that happened yesterday. Anyway, she remembers everything. We watched the movie Big Momma's House 2 one day. A couple of days later, out of the blue, she says "Everybody calls me Big Momma! You can call me Big Momma!!" Imagine this coming from a little girl no more than three feet tall. And she does this little dance with it. Oh, it is the cutest thing I have ever seen. She has an arsenal of funny things to say. Again, imagine a little blonde girl with hair in her eyes because she won't keep a ponytail in her hair. This time she says, "I like big butts and I can not lie!!!" What are you teaching this child, lady???? When the ice maker drops ice, she says "Ice Ice Baby!!" And of course mama has to finish the song. And wouldn't you know that I remember most of the words to that song. One of my favorites is "Stop Hamma Time!!" Well, now can't you tell that I'm an 80's/90's child?????
In the car today, while picking up lunch she tells Papa " I want a hundred dollars!" I really don't know where she got this one from but about a week ago she kept telling me 99 cents. I guess someone is teaching her about money. I know that it is not me. We haven't gotten to that lesson in our workbooks yet.
One last topic to bore you to death. Infant spit up and toddler pee. Stop reading if you have had enough with the pee stories. This is all I have been doing this week. I didn't even clean my house this week because every time I turn around either Ryan spit up carrots or Abby peed again. With the potty training, we have gone almost all week without an accident. Then today she tells me "Moma, I'm peeing!!!" I look at her and say "Run to the bathroom!!" and she is still just looking at me. What the f.......??????? Should potty training really be this hard????? I really don't understand why she can't get the hang of it. Like I said most of the time, she goes without a problem but other times she looks at me and I know exactly what she is doing (or getting ready to do). Why oh why is it this hard? After I screamed my head off, I told her "New rule!! Whenever you need the potty, go to the bathroom, pull down your panties, sit on the potty, and tell mommy to come help you cause you are pottying!" I want to try it this way (if she will) because if I ask her she always (and I mean always, even if she does need to potty) tells me NO!!!! That is the reason we haven't really had many accidents this week. Every so often I just brought her to the potty. I didn't even ask, I just brought her.
With Ryan, he must have and intolerance of some foods. Mostly carrots! The first time we tried carrots, which was probably around 4 months, he didn't have a problem with it. This week I have feed carrots to him twice and both times he spit them up. I mean orange spots are all over my house. He is very mobile now (he moves like an inch worm) so the orange spots are all over. Needless to say, we aren't going to eat carrots for a while. Today for lunch, he had squash. He spit up a little bit, not nearly as much as with the carrots though. Are you bored yet???
One more topic!! Sorry, but I have to talk about it. Swimming lessons!!! Next Saturday is our last swimming lessons. She is doing so well with them. Each time I have to hold her less and less. Hopefully next week she will be in a better mood than today. Today was an "I don't want to day!!!" Anybody else have this problem??? It sucks cause you can't get the child to do anything. Even if it is fun!!! That is just crazy. She gets it from me though. I know that I can get that way too sometimes. I just hope that she grows out of it but I don't think that she will. Alright, it is time to think about what to do for supper. Gotta go be a mom!!! Love ya,
Posted by Candice at 5:44 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 10, 2007
I want one.....
A nap that is. We had so much fun at the waterpark today and now it is raining and thundering and making me ohh so sleepy. Everybody else is taking a nap right now, but I just know that if I take one my hubby would walk through the door and wonder why I'm sleeping. He has told me more than once that I should take a nap when I'm tired but I don't feel like I deserve one. If I were at an office job I wouldn't be allowed to take a nap, so I don't feel like I should take one here.We really did have so much fun at the waterpark. As you can see Ryan fell asleep and Abby want to go play in the kiddie area all by herself. She really was good today, except for crying when I told her that she couldn't go in the water by herself. And now they are both sleeping, yay. Well, I should go work on a dress for Abby. I feel like I have been working on this dress for a long time now, but I just started on it this week. And I really haven't spent much time on it except for cutting the fabric that took a really long time. Hopefully, I can get hers done and finish my in record time and then maybe I can show you guys my masterpiece. They are going to be matching dresses. One for Big Momma and one for Ms. Bossy. Anyway, TTFN (ta ta for now)!!!
Posted by Candice at 4:21 PM 1 comments
Mingle2 - Free Online Dating
I took the addiction to blogging quiz and I was below 50% so I took a different quiz!!!
Posted by Candice at 4:03 PM 1 comments
Lassiez les bon temps rouler!!!!!
Today we are going to the waterpark, again. This is the last day that it is open during the week. From here on out we will have to deal with the weekend crowds, which might not be too bad. Anyway, other than the heat (103 Degrees) we should have a great time. Abby really loves the waterpark and Ryan is trying to get used to the fun. By next year he should be old enough the have a great time too. I will fill ya'll in on the fun when we return. For now I will talk about other things.
Yesterday, me and the kiddos went to a playgroup for Ryan. I have never been to a playgroup for the little one. I had a great time and I think that Ryan really enjoyed himself, too. I enjoyed it because I am mostly concentrating my efforts on getting Abby to behave and act right, that I have never concentrated or talked to other moms specifically about Ryan. It made me feel really good and I finally realized that I need to spend time alone with each of them. Hopefully with the help of hubby, I will be able to carve out some one-on-one time with each of them. It would be great if they napped at different times, but Ryan still takes a morning and an afternoon nap.
Enough for now, Ryan just woke up. Gotta go be a MOM!!!
Posted by Candice at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Everyday Sane Psycho Supergodess
Anyone ever feel like this??? I know I do. One minute you are feeding your 6 month old lunch and the next minute you are cleaning up pee in the bathroom cause your almost 3 year old doesn't want to tell you when she has to use the bathroom. Well, if that is not enough, I just found out today that we have to replace our master bathroom shower. No, not just fix but completely replace. And no, again, we can't just replace it with a cheap fiberglass shower but we are going to need to replace it with a ceramic tile one. All I can say now is that it better look really nice and expensive cause when we sell this house I want to make a profit and not just come out even.
Anyway, enough about that. Other than the accident today, Abby has really been doing good with potty training. On Saturday, at swimming lessons I didn't even put a swim diaper on her. At least I didn't notice any warm spots in the water. HaHa. And as for Ryan, he is trying so hard to crawl. I know that it will come very soon. Right now, he looks like a caterpillar or inchworm when he moves around. Last night, he moved both arms, the legs followed, and then he feel on his tummy. Getting ready for this feat, we put up his play yard. We threw a bunch of toys in there for him to play with. At first, he didn't like it at all because he hates to be alone. He is getting used to it now, though. He played in it today for at least 15 minutes while Abby and I "went to school", which is another thing that she is getting good at. Today we learned about rhyming words. She did really good and I think that she really understood what makes two words rhyme.
Alright, enough rambling for today. I hope I don't bore you people too much. Love Ya,
Posted by Candice at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Waterpark Fun!!!!
Today we went to the waterpark. We had so much fun. Even Ryan was in on the fun. Abby loves the water seesaw. At one point, the seesaw was completely empty so Abby got on one side and I held Ryan on the other. They both had the most fun. Most of the time, Abby was just running around having the greatest time.
Posted by Candice at 5:17 PM 0 comments