Sunday, July 13, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

So I decided that I would join some other moms and start menu planning. I have tried this in the past and I just gave up, but now I'm going to make a concerted effort and stick with it. I did this last week and while it didn't save me much money in the grocery store, I will stick with it. Hopefully, my grocery bill will start going down.

Anyway, here goes our menu for the week. If you see something that you would like the recipe for please post a comment and I will get it to you.

Monday--Spaghetti and Meatballs and garlic bread

Tuesday--Roast with Rice and Gravy (Paula Deen recipe), and some kind of vegetable (probably green beans)

Wednesday--Red Beans and Rice


Friday--Breakfast Night at home (I will make either pancakes, waffles, or French Toast.)

Saturday--Tacos (We have company coming over and this is the easiest thing to cook, since they do not like to eat out.)

Sunday--Mac & Cheese and Fishsticks

I hope that I can remember to de-frost the roast. Every time that decide to make a roast, I go to cook and the roast is still frozen. Anyway, that's the plan. Hopefully, this week will go as smoothly as last week.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to MPM! I've been posting here for a long time and I am lost without it! (As you can see from this week's post!)

Your menu sounds delicious! Red beans and rice is one of my favorite meals!


Robin said...

I'm glad you joined MPM. I've been posting my menus for awhile. When I don't my week is rougher.

Have a yummy week!

PlanningQueen said...

Once you have been going a few weeks, you should start to see some difference with the budget. Planning enables you to buy in bulk and then make sure you use it and stops those adhoc trips to the supermarket.