Monday, July 7, 2008

Today went by so fast

We just returned from a visit to Louisiana. We were there for my nephew, Anthony's 5th birthday party. It was a really good time. My sister rented a fun jump water slide for the weekend and the kids (and adults) went nuts. It really was fun sliding like that. I haven't done that in a long time. Anyway, my mom recently got a brand new computer (and it is really nice) so she gave me her old laptop computer. This is the most wonderful thing in the world. I am a free woman now. I can get on the computer any time I want without leaving the kids for an undetermined amount of time. Right now, I am blogging in the living room while watching a tv show during naptime. This is the best. If it wasn't for the laptop, I would have to decide which one I wanted to do watch tv or do work on the computer. AAAAAAHHHHHH freedom!!!!!!

Well, after the show is over I will be going upstairs to the dungeon to sew. The whole reason for the laptop is for sewing/embroidery purposes, but it doesn't hurt that I can check my email down here and look things up when I need to. Anyway, I have a lot of sewing projects to catch up on. I haven't sewn anything in a couple of weeks, because I was embroidering things and it is not easy to switch over from embroidery to sewing. Hopefully it will be a little easier with the laptop because I won't have to move the sewing machine, I will only have to move the laptop. Anyway, hopefully you will be hearing from me more often now. (Not sure if that is a good thing for you, but.....)