Monday, June 9, 2008


Let me preface by saying that 9/11 really freaked me out. I'm really cautious about doing things in public. Not that I cut it out totally but I'm not happy about being in public.

A couple of weeks ago, we decided to go shopping at the mall. I think it is probably the third time that we have been to the mall since last May. Anyway, we parked at the JCPenney entrance. Mind you, I notice everything. Before we parked, I noticed that a car was picking up a person with a stroller by the entrance, I didn't think anything of it. As we were walking to the entrance, the car passed in front of us and the people waved and said hello. Then I look at where the car was and I see it still there, "THE STROLLER!!" Now, as calmly as I can I start walking fast into the store and hubby is trailing behind me, Looking at me like I'm a crazy woman (which I am). We walk all the way through JCPenney and hubby asks if I'm running a marathon. I tell him discretely that it disturbed me that those people told us hi and that they left their stroller outside of JCPenney. I made him wait a while before going back through JCPenney (actually we ate supper at the food court which is a ways from JCP).

Obviously, nothing bad happened because I'm still here and you didn't hear about it on the news but I'm curious....In this post 9/11 world, would something like this freak you out??? Let me know what you think and if something similar has happened to you.


J said...

Yikes, I don't know. It's probably nothing, but good that you were on your toes and so observant. I guess I would've notified mall security or something.

Kelly said...

I'm embarrassed to say that I would have probably chalked it up to a "Mommy moment," and not given it another thought. Probably because I was so spacey right after Miss Priss was born that I could have easily left her stroller somewhere and not even realized it until after I got home!

A Year In The Life said...

hmm? i'm not sure. i think that it would have been a red flag but i probably would have been like, hey, you left your stroller and do i know you? i should be more aware! so happy to see you on here. :)