Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our good day

Today was a really good day with Abby. She was very pleasant. I got frustrated with Ryan a lot today, but I kept my cool when talking to Abby. This morning we had to meet with someone to give them our highchair. I finally sold it on craigslist. We needed to leave the house before 9:30 this morning. I woke the kids up around 8:45 and told them, if they were good and brushed their teeth and got dressed without fussing, that we would go eat breakfast at Chick-Fil-A. Nobody fussed to brush teeth and get dressed (we don't really have problems with this). We left the house and got on the road. Being really sweet, Abby helped me keep Ryan in line. We met with the lady to give her the highchair and then we headed on to Chick-Fil-A. We ate breakfast and nobody cried when we left without going into the play room.

After we headed to Wal-Mart to use the money that we got for the highchair to get Ryan a booster seat. Abby and Ryan were really good listeners while we shopped at Wal-Mart. I didn't even have to put Abby in the cart. She stayed by me most of the time. They were so good they even got to pick out which coloring book they wanted. When we got home, we colored and played. Then we outside to eat lunch and play a bit. It was a little too hot to go outside but the kids really wanted to go out. It was a really nice day (so far). Now it is almost naptime and Abby has the "don't want's". We will see.


Victoria said...

Wow it sounds like you are having a pretty good day!! The Don't wants must come with the territory! My daughter seems to have them every second of every day!!!! :)