Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Green Goldfish and other tales from the kids world

Well, to start out with (cause I know that you are wondering about the Green Goldfish thing), Ryan loves goldfish and pretty much everything else that you could put in your mouth. But he really does love the goldfish. Anyway, the last time that I went grocery shopping I bought the colorful goldfish. Everytime that I give him goldfish for his snack he picks out all the other colors and eats them except for the green ones. Actually, one time he started throwing the green ones on the floor. How funny is that?

We had snow!!!
This was the kids first snow. They had a blast. Ryan kept falling in the snow and getting his pants all wet so we had to go in and change clothes. This was the result...

Kinda funny!!!! We had a blast in the snow. I almost cried when it stopped snowing. It was so beautiful. I wish it would snow every day even if it has to be cold all the time.

BTW, I am writing this while talking on the phone. So if it doesn't make any sense that would be why. Anyway, I hear my peeps so I gotta go. Talk to you later!!!